Please be aware we are still operating within Covid-19 guidelines in our clinic, this is to help keep our clients and staff safe, please help us to keep everyone safe through these tough times. We thank you all for your co-operation.
Due to Covid-19 we have made some changes to how we will be working:
- To be seen, you will need to book an appointment. Call 07388 503355 to speak to us first our telephone lines are open Tuesday – Friday 9:00 to 13:00. If we can address your problem without a visit, we will do so. Please don’t just turn up without an appointment. We are doing this to keep the amount of people gathering to an absolute minimum and maintain a robust social distancing policy.
- Please do not attend the mobile clinic if you have had any Covid-19 symptoms or anyone in your household has shown any symptoms within the last 14 days, or is self isolating or awaiting a test result.
- When you arrive at the clinic you will be greeted as before, however we will ask you to remain outside the clinic while the vet looks after your pet. Please wear a new or clean face covering when interacting with our staff or volunteers, whether indoors or outdoors.
To find out where we are and when, click on the “venues and times” button at the top of the page. We’re out and about every week and thank you all for visiting us and helping keep us all safe.