We are really excited to be in a position to recruit a Mobile Clinic Manager to help our service grow. The part time (16 hrs a week) fixed term position will be responsible for the day to day management of the Mobile Clinic including line management of staff (1) and supporting volunteers, veterinary drug management, financial reporting and administration.
The role will primarily be based at the Clinic Hub in Llandudno. The hours of the role are flexible but need to ensure the clinic is prepared and ready for dispatch during its morning operations and received back at base at the end of each day in Llandudno along with the completion of administrative tasks associated with the service.
If you are interested in applying for this role, please feel free to learn more about the role here and if you’d like to apply please download the forms below and return your application form to applications@rspca-wrexhamdeeside.org.uk.
Mobile Clinic Manager Job Description
Mobile Clinic Manager Person Specification
Mobile Clinic Manager Information for candidates
Mobile Clinic Manager Application Form
We will be accepting applications until the 7th April 2019 18:00.